Näsinpuisto Park

Milavida is located in Näsinpuisto, which was constructed in the early 1900s on almost bare rock, filled with dredged soil from Mustalahti harbor. Hundreds of trees and a large number of perennials were planted to replace the stunted pines and junipers that had grown on the rock. Among them were also rare plants imported from abroad. Unfortunately, most of the steppe plants died during the severe winter frosts of 1940.

However, Näsinpuisto remains one of the city’s most diverse parks in terms of plant species. The area features several rock garden plant groups and beautiful drystone walls. On the western edge of the park, you can find, among other things, Finland’s largest Prince Poplar (Populus ‘Rasumowskiana’).

In recent years, various restoration projects have taken place in Näsinpuisto, including the refurbishment of retaining walls, pathways, a singing stage, and the area around the Kuru Memorial. New perspectives have been opened up as well. In 2017, a viewpoint pavilion was completed to the east of Näsilinna, inspired by a pavilion that previously stood in the same location. Access to the pavilion, for example, is provided by new stairs starting from behind the Stable Courtyard. The park offers a magnificent view of Lake Näsijärvi.