
Summer Park Concerts: Mihrimah

Mihrimah is an oriental dance association and dance group from Tampere, which performs versatile folk dances based on the dance tradition of Egypt and the Middle East, more modern dance…

18.00 - 22.00
Laikunlava, Puutarhakatu 1, 33210 Tampere

Free afternoon at the Sara Hildén Art Museum

15.00 - 18.00
Sara Hildén Art Museum, Laiturikatu 13, 33230 Tampere

Summer Park Concerts: Vartin Yli

Vartin Yli plays pop/rock hits from different decades in Finnish and English. The concert set includes both beautiful ballads and pure rock.

11.00 - 12.00
Tammelantori, Tampere

Monthly meeting of Friends of New Brazil

We meet every last Saturday of the month at Hervanta library at 12 o'clock (unless otherwise announced). Come to discuss, plan and hear the latest news about the situation in…

14.00 - 16.00
Hervanta library, Insinöörinkatu 38, 33720 Tampere

Concerts in the Park: Blues Patriots

Blues Patriots plays blues rock with a relaxed vibe. The program includes both covers and own songs.

14.00 - 15.00
Näsinpuiston laululava, Näsijärvenkatu, 33210 Tampere

Kambja segakoor Läte - Performance of Virto's oldest choir

Kambja segakoor Läte - Performance of Virto's oldest choir. The choir's performance brings the Tartu2024 cultural city program to the Tampere region as well.

14.00 - 16.00
Laikunlava, Puutarhakatu 1, 33210 Tampere

Park concerts: Jyri Antero ja Kadonneet Kuvat

Behind the pseudonym Jyri Antero is a songwriter Tommi Björk. Storytelling with an indie twist.

14.00 - 15.00
Amurin museokortteli, Satakunnankatu 49, 33230 Tampere

Juri Ilchuk and the Church Singing Ensemble Kaanon (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

In the summer of 2024, the group will present to Finnish listeners their new concert program Church music and spiritual songs, which consists of the gems of Ukrainian church, spiritual…

13.30 - 14.30
Rauhaniementie 19, 33180 Tampere

Summer Park Concert: Laikunlava Sings | Tuulantei-kuoro and sing-along

Monday's Laikunlava Sings concerts include a concert by a choir from Tampere and a sing-along led by Sulasol Pirkanmaan piiri. The sing-alongs are held every Monday from June 3rd to…

18.30 - 20.00
Laikunlava, Puutarhakatu 1, 33210 Tampere

Summer Park Concerts: Jules Varjola

Jules Varjola's music is diverse, open-minded and breaking genre boundaries. Finnish lyrics are ambiguous and deep, with topics ranging from quantum physics and the structure of time to the interesting…

18.00 - 19.00
Tahmelan Huvila, Uramonkatu 9, 33240 Tampere